Who Am I, Anyway?
Who Am I, Anyway?
You’ll want the person working alongside you, in service of your life’s work and passions, to be equally passionate, as well as have the track record to do so. So: who am I to so confidently step into that role?
With an academic background (+ 2 Bachelors of Arts) that spans philosophy, literature, communications, music, creative writing, and cinema studies, by way of the Rochambeau French International School, University of Montréal, University of Concordia, and Columbia College Chicago, among others, I have honed my lifelong love of words. No matter the art form I devote myself to, words, language, and the wonderful people who create them, have always been the nucleus for me.
Becoming an editor was an inevitability, and so here I am.
As an Associate Editor for many years at Page Street Publishing, which is distributed by Macmillan, I learned that there is no “typical day”, so to speak, for an editor working in publishing. I also quickly understood the kind of editor and colleague I wanted to be, and that lesson was invaluable as I learned the ropes.
In my current position as an Acquisitions Editor for New Harbinger Publications, from one moment to the next I might be working on a contract draft, going to conferences to scout potential authors, coordinating on editorial notes for a chapter batch, evaluating proposals, pitching book ideas at meetings, negotiating terms with an agent, doing in-depth research into comparative title — and then some. Always, my relationships with my various authors have been paramount, and even as an inveterate introvert, I have enjoyed the beautiful relationships I’ve developed along the way.
As an editor with a keen eye for minute details, as well as the macrocosmic, I have a particular knack for developmental editing, as well as line editing, along with the ability to ask and make clarifying questions and comments that help unearth those pesky issues each writer is wont to encounter: what’s working here? what needs help? what are you trying to say? was that word intentional? what a fascinating perspective!
Outside of my day job, and in the last 10+ years: I have edited manuscripts and stories for close friends, and some past and current roles I’ve stepped into include Art Columnist for L’ARgot, the Art History Magazine for the University of Montréal, First Reader for Strange Horizons, Junior Editorial Consultant for FLAPPERHOUSE, Editor for Reckoning Press, Contributor for Supermaker and Editor for Knee Brace Press. As co-EIC, Creative Director and co-Founder of The Nasiona, I have done some of the work I am most joyful about, heralding magazine issues, editing essays and poetry, doing voice work, and conceptualizing projects like anthologies and musical albums. I am also a proud member of the Editorial Freelancers Association and can also be found in the Editors of Color database.
Deciding to create Virago Editing + Creative Services was, like becoming an editor, an inevitability. All the things I have learned, and all the astounding artists I have had the privilege of working with, have galvanized me to create a space for others who are eager to get their work out there, and may need a little help along the way. I humbly believe I have those insights and skills to do just that, and I look forward to you reaching out so we can get started together.